
airport by Sally 23-W-1 FPE I had a little time so I called the Asst. Chief of Police of Minneapolis and asked him what the local law was concerning a male in feminine attire on the streets. He said it was against the law unless it was a professional. I told him about the seminar the previous day and ask- ed if that made me a professional. He allowed that it probably did and that being so I asked him if he or his chief of Vice would like to have a talk with me about TVism. He said very much so and he would have him meet me at the 3rd street entrance. So I went down there by cab, met and talked with the of- ficer in charge of Morals and Narcotics and had a pleasant visit. He was interested, appreciative of my coming and asked me to send him some further mat- erial, saying that he would circulate it to his men. So that was another good job done. An educated pol- lice department is a first step toward a fair and un- derstanding attitude.

Finally to the airport and home without further incident. I was met at the airport by my GG friend Nikki who had been doing her best to cope with orders etc. during my absence. Although she had shipped out about 120 orders there are at least that many still in the box waiting for me to get around to them. I hope those who were delayed will understand that I couldn't be in two places at once and that they were taken care of as soon as they could be.

In retrospect, this was a very worthwhile 5 weeks. Not only did I get a vacation and meet a lot of new people but I think I accomplished a lot for the cause-- 3 TV appearances and 1 radio, a medical seminar, and conferences which may hopefully lead to further radio and/or TV appearances and possibly some money for some special TV research. For myself personally it was my longest time "en femme". Five weeks without pause and in some new type situations such as on the boat which all add to my total exper- ience. I feel quite able to hold my own in all type of situations by this time and while this is very